The William Lowell Putnam Competition (1985 - 2000)

Kiran S. Kedlaya & Bjorn Poonen & Ravi Vakil

Language: English


This book is the third collection of William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition problems and solutions, following [PutnamI] and [PutnamII]. As the subtitle indicates, the goals of our volume differ somewhat from those of the earlier volumes.

Many grand ideas of mathematics are best first understood through simple problems, with the inessential details stripped away. When developing new theory, research mathematicians often turn to toy† problems as a means of getting a foothold. For this reason, Putnam problems and solutions should be considered not in isolation, but instead in the context of important mathematical themes. Many of the best problems contain kernels of sophisticated ideas, or are connected to some of the most important research done today. We have tried to emphasize the organic nature of mathematics, by highlighting the connections of problems and solutions to other problems, to the curriculum, and to more advanced topics. A quick glance at the index will make clear the wide range of powerful ideas connected to these problems. For example, Putnam problems connect to the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (1988B1) and the Weil Conjectures (1991B5 and 1998B6).