Bất đẳng thức: Định lý và Áp dụng
Nguyễn Văn Mậu
Giáo trình Xác suất Thống kê
Tống Đình Quỳ
Dẫn luận về Foucault
Gary Gutting
Dẫn luận Oxford (35)
Giải phương trình vô định nghiệm nguyên
Nguyễn Hữu Điển
Real Analysis
Elias M. Stein & Rami Shakarchi
Princeton Lectures in Analysis (3)
Complex Analysis
Princeton Lectures in Analysis (2)
On Quaternions and Octonions Their Geometry, Arithmetic and ...
John Horton Conway & Derek A. Smith
The Oxford handbook of The History of Mathematics
Eleanor Robson & Jacqueline Stedall
History of Topology
I. M. James
The History of Mathematical Proof In Ancient Traditions
Karine Chemla
A History of Mathematical Notations
Florian Cajori
The Universal History of Numbers
Georges Ifrah
Numerical Notation: The Comparative History
Stephen Chrisomalis
The History of Mathematics
Roger L. Cooke
Codes, Ciphers and Secret Writing
Martin Gardner
Entertaining Mathematical Puzzles
Geometry: The Language of Space and Form
John Tabak
Algebra Sets, Symbols, and the Language of Thought
536 Puzzles & Curious Problems
Henry Renest Dudeney
Bài Giảng Cuối Cùng
Randy Pausch
Nguy Cơ: Khoa học & Chính trị về nỗi sợ hãi
Dan Gardner
Nỗi Cô đơn của các số Nguyên tố
Paolo Giordano
Nghệ thuật Ẩn mình
Kevin Mitnick
Fourier Analysis: An Introduction
Princeton Lectures in Analysis (1)
Elementary Differential Geometry
Christian Bar
Introduction to Topology: Pure and Applied
Colin Adams & Robert Franzosa
Algebraic Topology
Allen Hatcher
Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective
Richard Crandall & Carl B. Pomerance
Prime Numbers: The Most Mysterious Figures in Math
David Wells
Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem
Ian Stewart & David Tall
Why Beauty Is Truth: The History of Symmetry
Ian Stewart
Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations, and Applications in Statistics
James E. Gentle
Springer Texts in Statistics (1)
Math Made Visual Creating Images for Understanding Mathematics
Roger Nelsen
Classroom Resource Materials (1)
Proofs without Words III
Classroom Resource Materials (2)
Proofs without Words II
Proofs without Words
Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Paul A. Tipler & Gene Mosca
Giáo trình Toán - Tập 6: Đại số 2 (Giáo trình và 500 Bài tập ...
Jean-Marie Monier
Giáo trình Toán - Jean-Marie Monier (6)
Advanced Calculus
James J. Callahan
An Illustrative Guide to Multivariable and Vector Calculus
Stanley J. Miklavcic
University Calculus
Joel Hass & Maurice Weir & George Thomas
Calculus in 3D: Geometry, Vectors, and Multivariate Calculus
Zbigniew Nitecki
Calculus Deconstructed
Answer book for Calculus
Michael Spivak
Calculus by Michael Spivak (2)
Calculus by Michael Spivak (1)
Calculus of One Variable
M. Thamban Nair
Calculus: A Rigorous First Course
Daniel J. Velleman
Introduction to Linear Optimization
Dimitris Bertsimas & John N.Tsisiklis
Measure theory
John K. Hunter